Review of KRYPTA - Krypta

I’ve been listening to Krypta, and I’ve got to say, this album caught my attention in a good way. It’s a cool mix of heavy, dark metal with some really interesting melodic touches. Right away, I noticed that the band isn’t just about pounding riffs or raw aggression - there’s a lot of thought put into the music’s emotional side too, especially with how the melodies come through.

One of the first things that stood out to me was how well the violin fits in with everything. It adds this extra layer of atmosphere that you don’t always get with heavy music, and it works perfectly alongside the more intense growls and thick guitar riffs. The balance between the heavy and the melodic is one of the album’s strong points. It feels like they’ve really thought about how to make the songs dynamic and interesting, so they’re not just stuck in one gear the whole time.

I liked that contrast of vocals, it keeps things from feeling too one-note. The clean parts have this sort of introspective vibe that’s hard to ignore, and they make the heavier sections hit even harder.

The pacing of the album also keeps things moving, and I didn’t feel like it dragged. There’s a good mix of slower, doomier sections and moments where the tempo picks up, which keeps it interesting. But, to be honest, there are a few spots where the transitions between different styles feel a little clunky. It’s like the band is trying to juggle a lot of ideas, and sometimes those shifts don’t come across as smooth as they could. It doesn’t ruin the flow, but you definitely notice it.

As for the production, it’s good, but I think there’s room for improvement. Some of the more delicate details - like the violin and the clean vocals - get a little buried under the heavier parts. It would’ve been nice to have those stand out more because they really add something unique to the sound.

Overall though, Krypta is a good debut. There’s so much potential here, and I feel like this band is only going to get better with time. The mix of melody and heaviness really works, and even though there are a few rough edges, the album kept me engaged. If you’re into dark, melodic metal with some symphonic and doom influences, I’d say give it a listen. There’s a lot to enjoy, and I’m curious to see where they go next.

Thanks to Grand Sounds PR.