Review of JOHAN TELL - Johan Tell / Sliptrick Records

Johan Tell’s debut EP really grabbed my attention, offering a refreshing take on classic rock while showing off his own unique voice. Across just four tracks, Tell manages to pull in influences from legends like Neil Young, Pearl Jam, and Bob Dylan, but in a way that still feels fresh and personal. It's not just a throwback; there's a distinct character in the music that’s all his own.

Musically, the EP sticks to solid rock foundations. The guitars are warm and crunchy, the kind of tone that makes you think of vintage amps and analog gear. There’s a nice balance between punchy, rhythmic energy and some really melodic moments, giving each track a good flow. You can definitely hear shades of Neil Young’s more reflective moments, alongside the emotional intensity that Pearl Jam brought to their quieter tracks. But what I really appreciated was that Tell doesn’t just lean on these influences - he uses them as a base, but builds something that feels current and authentic.

I also liked the pacing of the EP. Rather than hitting you with wall-to-wall rock, Tell switches things up nicely with some softer, piano-led moments that offer a real contrast. These quieter tracks have a simplicity to them that really lets the emotion come through. The piano work here is subtle but effective, creating a mood that gives the EP a bit of depth beyond just being a straightforward rock record. It’s the kind of balance that keeps you listening from start to finish.

If there’s one area where the EP could have pushed further, it’s probably in taking more risks. The songs are really well-crafted, but there’s a sense that Tell is staying within a comfort zone, sticking to familiar rock and folk sounds. That’s not a bad thing, but it does make the EP feel a bit safe at times. For anyone who loves classic rock influences, though, this is going to hit the spot, even if it doesn’t throw too many curveballs.

The production is also worth mentioning - it’s clear, punchy, and professional without feeling too polished. The guitars, vocals, and even the quieter piano elements all have their own space in the mix, which helps give the whole EP an organic feel. You can tell there’s been attention to detail here, but it still leaves room for the music to breathe.

All in all, Johan Tell is a solid introduction to an artist with a lot of potential. While it may not break any new ground, it delivers exactly what it should: heartfelt, well-executed rock with just the right amount of introspection. If you’re a fan of Neil Young, Pearl Jam, or Bob Dylan, you’ll find a lot to like here - and I’m definitely curious to see where Johan Tell goes next.

Thanks to Grand Sounds PR.