Hi SMOKE MOUNTAIN, congratulations on the announcement of The Rider! You must be excited. Firstly, can you tell us about the formation of the band? When and how was it formed? Do you believe the band name 'SMOKE MOUNTAIN' perfectly describes your music and philosophy?

We formed in 2015 in Tallahassee, Florida. Smoke Mountain is the name of one of the first songs we wrote, and we decided it would also make a good band name. The name is heavy, hazy, and aggressive, which is a good description of our music.

Now, can you tell us about The Rider and the lyrical themes behind each track? What are the ideas you wanted to convey?

We didn't set out to convey a specific message with this album. However, we started writing the Rider in 2020, which was a strange time in the world. We think this is reflected in the music. 

Where and when did you record The Rider? Are you satisfied with the final product?

Three of the songs on the Rider are from our debut EP, which was recorded in 2016. The five new tracks on the album were recorded between 2021 and 2024 in Tallahassee, Florida. We are very happy with the final product.

Do you have any plans to release official band merchandise?

We plan to unveil some new merch around the time of the new album's release. Fans can purchase merch on our Bandcamp page at

What are SMOKE MOUNTAIN's musical and non-musical influences?

Musically, Lee and Brian are heavily influenced by Glenn Danzig. Sarah loves Guided By Voices and the Melvins. A few random non-musical influences include Charles Bukowski, Charles Bronson, and Jim Beam.

Can we expect to see some gigs across the USA or Europe in the near future?

Yes, we expect to tour the Southeast United States in the near future. If a European festival would like to fly us over to perform, we'd love to go!

Lastly, when can fans expect something new from you? A music video, single, or documentary perhaps?

Our new album, which is scheduled for release on March 28, 2025, is available for preorder on the Argonaua Records website at The video for our new single, Hell or Paradise, is streaming on the Argonauta Records YouTube channel at

Thank you for the interview. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans, supporters, critics, and our readers before we wrap up?

Thanks for listening!