Review of Mithras Crowned - Hymns of the Hierophant

Mithras Crowned’s Hymns of the Hierophant is a relentless black metal album (EP) that grabs you by the throat from the very start and doesn’t let go. Hailing from South Africa, the band brings a fresh intensity to the genre, infusing their music with the raw power and mysticism of ancient rituals.

From the opening track, you’re hit with a wall of fast, sharp guitar riffs and relentless drumming. The music is aggressive and unyielding, but there’s also a sense of purpose behind the chaos. The band manages to blend brutality with a kind of dark beauty, weaving in melodies that rise and fall beneath the fierce surface.

The vocals are harsh and powerful, fitting perfectly with the overall sound. You can feel the passion and intensity in every scream and growl, as if the singer is channeling something ancient and primal. The lyrics, though often buried in the mix, add to the album’s mysterious and ritualistic vibe.

Each track feels like it’s part of a larger story, and the album as a whole has a strong, cohesive feel. The production is raw but effective, allowing the energy of the music to come through without sacrificing clarity.

Mithras Crowned has created something special here, a dark and immersive kind of darkness that sticks with you long after the final track ends. If you’re looking for an album that’s both ferocious and thoughtfully crafted, Hymns of the Hierophant is well worth your time. Merciless! Memorable! Dark!

Listen to the album here: Hymns of the Hierophant | Mithras Crowned (