Review of Lava Abyss - Sacrificial Ritual of Primordial Fire / Archivist Records

After three years, Lava Abyss, a Ukrainian-American Blackened Death Metal duo, have finally released their debut album, Sacrificial Ritual of Primordial Fire, on CD format. Originally recorded and released digitally in 2021, this brutal and atmospheric work is now available physically via Archivist Records, and it hits like a hammer to the chest.

Lava Abyss brings a fierce blend of black metal’s raw, cold atmospheres and death metal’s crushing heaviness. Mike Poggione, a veteran bassist known from his time with Monstrosity and Vile, plays a good role in shaping the low-end sound that rumbles and roars beneath the fiery guitars. Instead of just following the riffs, his bass carves out its own path, making the album feel even denser and more menacing. The technical skill here is undeniable, but what really stands out is how it’s all wrapped in a primal energy - this isn’t music for the faint of heart.

While many blackened death metal bands lean heavily into anti-religious themes, Lava Abyss takes a different approach. Their lyrics attack the bigger issues facing humanity - things like unchecked capitalism, environmental destruction, and the naivety of mankind. Through grim and almost apocalyptic language, they paint a picture of a world heading toward its own demise. It’s bleak, it’s harsh, and it feels frighteningly real.

The production stays true to the raw nature of the genre, with a balance that lets the brutality shine while still keeping the intricacies of the music intact.

There are no soft spots, it’s an intense, continuous wave of sound from start to finish. While that could easily become overwhelming, Lava Abyss manages to keep things interesting with moments that pull back just long enough to let you catch your breath, only to plunge you back into the chaos seconds later. It’s an exhausting, yet exhilarating, listening experience.

Sacrificial Ritual of Primordial Fire is a good, raw, aggressive, and deeply atmospheric album that perfectly blends black and death metal. If you’re into extreme "Plague Metal" that hits hard both musically and lyrically, Lava Abyss is a name to remember.

Thanks to Grand Sounds PR.

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