Review of ELDERMOON - Egregora / Sliptrick Records

Eldermoon’s Egregora is an interesting take on melodic death metal, blending heavy, aggressive sounds with a big, ambitious story. The Brazilian band tackles the concept of a red moon watching over humanity’s ups and downs, and while the idea is cool, the album doesn’t fully hit the mark. That said, it’s still a solid, very good album with some standout moments that make it worth a listen.

Musically, Egregora has plenty of strengths. The guitars are a highlight, combining hard-hitting riffs with melodic leads that keep things fresh. There’s a good mix of intensity and atmosphere throughout the album, and that balance helps avoid monotony. However, some of the songs do start to feel a bit repetitive after a while, as if the band is sticking to the same formula without taking enough risks. For fans of melodic death metal, this will still scratch the itch, but a little more variety would have gone a long way.

Vocally, the album shines. The mix of growls and clean singing adds depth, and it’s clear there’s a lot of emotion behind the delivery. The whole concept of the red moon observing humanity is intriguing, but sometimes the story feels a bit too distant. While the metaphor of the moon works, the lyrics can be a little hard to connect with on a personal level. It’s a cool idea, but at times, it’s tough to feel fully invested in what’s happening.

The production is solid, keeping things clear without feeling too polished. It’s a good balance, but there are parts of the album - especially in the heavier moments - where the sound could have been more dynamic. Some tracks feel like they’re missing that extra punch that could’ve made them stand out even more.

Where Egregora really shines is in its ambition. The band clearly put a lot of thought into the themes of the album, exploring big ideas like survival, conflict, and humanity’s search for purpose. The reflective tone at the end of the album is a nice touch, giving it a more emotional layer than you’d expect from a typical death metal release. However, while the concept is interesting, the execution doesn’t always deliver on its full potential. You’re left wanting a bit more connection with the story and the emotions behind it.

Overall, Egregora is a solid, very good album that shows Eldermoon’s promise. It’s not quite at the level of being a must-hear classic, but it’s a strong debut with plenty of interesting ideas. If they can tighten up their songwriting and add more emotional depth, they could really make an impact on the genre. For now, though, Egregora earns a solid 3.5 out of 5 - definitely worth checking out, especially if you like your metal with a bit of philosophical edge.

Thanks to Grand Sounds PR.

Listen here: ELDERMOON - Egregora | Sliptrick Records (