Mithras Crowned interview

Good day! How are you guys doing these days? First of all, please introduce Mithras Crowned and band members to our readers.

Mithras Crowned is

Wesley van Diggelen - Vocals & Guitar

Wouter Botha - Guitar

Ashish Seetharam - Bass

Nikola Bruni - Drums

I would like to know about the formation of the band. How did you guys meet and all? Also, is there any special story behind the band title?

The band officially formed in 2019 after the end of our previous project. The core members, Wesley and Nikola, had been working together on various projects since about 2012. Our second founding guitarist, Nicolas, left in 2020 and we soon asked Wouter to join the project having previously worked with together and him being a good friend. Our founding bassist, Jackal, decided to immigrate in 2022  We then asked Ash to join as we knew him from the local scene and thought he would be a good fit.

The band name comes from our love of history, as well as our interest in ancient mystery cults, more specifically Mithraism. The themes of struggle, rebirth, and the cosmic battles found in Mithraism fit naturally with the music we create. We aim to, through the stories we tell with our music, see Mithras Crowned once again.

I expect a long reply for this one. Can you please tell us about the concept and lyrical themes of all your previous releases?

We released two demos in 2022 and 2023

Son of Stone - this serves as an ode to Mithras from the perspective of a Roman soldier before entering battle.

The Horrors of Fate - Tells the story of the 3 sisters of fate Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho. It highlights the futility of determinism as well as the longing for death.

In July of this year, we released our debut "Hymns of the Hierophant" which is comprised of 4 tracks.

Ritual Madness - In an attempt to summon a spirit, the protagonist begins a ritual. During the course of this process, when the spirit comes through, the protagonist cannot handle the esoteric knowledge being conveyed and loses his grip on reality.

Emerald Voyage - Tells the tale of a voyage in search of the emerald tablet of Thoth. Once found, the homunculus is created which brings forth cosmic chaos. Immortality is achieved and interpreted from a nihilistic perspective.

Into the Pit - Lays out the progression into the underworld, taken down the rivers by Charon, the ferryman Upon seeing the fields of Elysium, it dawns that you have not lived a good life and subsequently end up in the prison of Tartarus.

Non Serviam - When Christianity came to ancient Rome, they violently stamped out the practices of Mithraism. In response, followers of the mystery cult chanted "Non Serviam" or "I will not serve" as they fought back.

Is there any special reason for choosing your music conception?

Mithraism has always intrigued us because it was one of those hidden, lesser-known mystery cults in the Greco-Roman world. There are many themes contained within Mithraism which resonated with us. The lack of knowledge of this cult in the modern era, provided us with the freedom to interpret the teachings in our own way.

How do you guys manage to create music at all? What challenges do you face while writing and recording an album?

We have built a system, over the years, that works for us and allows us to fully explore what we want to convey with our music. The foundation is always laid out in person and then we use the many avenues provided by technology, to expand and build on our vision. We write and record all our music, which gives us the freedom to experiment sonically. So in terms of the creative direction, we face few challenges and are full in control.

"Hymns of the Hierophant" was released on July 16th. How was the experience working in the studio? Were there any funny or even sad happenings during the studio work?

The recording process was great fun for us. Although we lost our bassist and gained a new bassist during the process, we managed to create something we are truly proud of. What we have learned will only improve our future releases.

You guys are still underground/underrated, although your music has been appreciated by the critics worldwide. What, according to you, is the reason behind it?

I think the listener can hear the passion that went into this music.

We believe that we have provided something interesting on this release and we hope that the listeners feel the same.

Can you shed some light on your past as musicians?

We each have a long history in our local scene, playing in different bands in close proximity to each other for over a decade. Nik and Wesley started performing together, early on. Both Wouter and Ash have been prolific in the projects they worked on. We work well together and our band dynamics are well established.

Tell us about your favorite bands from whom you gain inspiration. Do you have any favorite artists/bands that have emerged from the metal/rock scene?

We are massive fans of the second wave of Black Metal. Mostly in the vein of Immortal and Mayhem. We also take inspiration from great classic bands like Marduk, Dark Funeral and Belphegor. There is also some influence of more current bands like Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Negator, Grima and MGLA.

How is the metal scene going in South Africa?

I would say that it is still going strong but like every niche, there are dips and booms. There are some great bands coming out of South Africa but we need more international interest for things to continue to progress.

Tell us if you have played abroad.

Not as yet, but we are planning on playing shows across Europe in July 2025. So any bands, promoters, or festival organizers are welcome to contact us at

Are you working on any music videos, whether it be a video clip or a lyric video?

We have just released the music video for "Ritual Madness" and are looking to create some more content shortly.

Rapid-fire section. Just for fun. So just chill and type the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear:

Legion - Roman warriors readying for battle

Mystagogue - The teacher who initiates others into the sacred mysteries of the ancient cults

Mediator - Mithras

Rite - A solemn ceremonial act

Epics - Lengthy ancient tales

Thanks a lot for your time! It's really nice to know more about you. Would you like to say anything to your fans and our readers?

Thanks for reaching out to us, we appreciate you. To fans and readers, I would say, thank you for the great response thus far. If you have not heard our music then find us on all streaming platforms.