Review of Unwelcome Soul - Dried Petals

When I first hit play on Dried Petals by Unwelcome Soul, I didn’t know quite what to expect. A new band... But what I heard in those first few moments was something that felt nice, something that caught me off guard in the best possible way.

Unwelcome Soul, a one-man project from Tennessee, is the brainchild of a combat veteran who's clearly seen and felt things that most of us can’t even imagine. That experience bleeds into every note and scream on Dried Petals. This isn’t just black metal for the sake of being dark or extreme; it’s a deeply personal outpouring of emotion, the kind that can only come from someone who’s been through the wringer and come out the other side, scarred but alive.

From the opening track ("Time, Don't Save Me", right after the intro), I could feel this intense mix of aggression and vulnerability. It’s like standing in the middle of a storm - everything’s chaotic and raging, but there’s also this weird sense of calm underneath it all. The riffs are sharp and relentless, but there’s a melody buried in there, almost like a faint heartbeat that refuses to stop no matter how much it’s battered.

One moment, I’m being pummeled by blast beats and tortured screams, and the next, I’m drifting through these eerie, almost serene passages (sometimes reminds me of Graveland). It’s that balance of extremes that makes Dried Petals so compelling. You can hear influences from thrash and other forms of extreme metal, but it’s all blended in a way that feels totally organic, never forced.

One of the standout tracks for me was “With A Dead Soul.” It’s a song that starts off with this punishing rhythm, but then it breaks down into something more reflective, almost beautiful in its sadness. It’s a perfect example of how Unwelcome Soul plays with dynamics, using silence and space just as effectively as noise and chaos.

So, if you’re looking for black metal that goes beyond the usual tropes, something that’s as emotionally engaging as it is sonically intense, Dried Petals by Unwelcome Soul is definitely worth your time. Just be prepared - it’s not an easy listen, but that’s what makes it so powerful. This is music that demands to be felt as much as it is heard, and once it grabs hold of you, it doesn’t let go easily.

Thanks to Grand Sounds PR.

Listen to the album here: Dried Petals | Unwelcome Soul (