Review of we broke the weather - Restart Game / Argonauta Records

we broke the weather’s Restart Game is a memorable exploration that merges progressive, stoner, psychedelic rock, and synthwave into a singular, audial experience.

From the outset, Restart Game grabs your attention with its intricate melodies and heavy, cosmic riffs. The prog rock influence shines through in the complex song structures that weave together seamlessly, taking unexpected turns that keep listeners engaged and intrigued.

Synthwave elements adds a futuristic and nostalgic layer to the music. Synth-driven passages and retro electronic sounds blend effortlessly with the guitar-driven rock, creating a dynamic contrast that enhances the album’s overall depth and texture.

The stoner rock roots provide a solid foundation, with dense, powerful riffs that anchor the music in a rich, earthy groove. The rhythm section’s synergy drives the songs forward with unearth energy, while still allowing space for the atmospheric synth textures to shine.

Psychedelic moments add another dimension to Restart Game, with ethereal effects and dreamy atmospheres that expand the audial palette.

Production-wise, Restart Game is polished yet retains a raw, organic feel that allows each instrument to breathe. The careful balance between clarity and warmth ensures that every nuance, from the impressive guitar work to the pulsating synth lines, is distinctly audible and impactful.

It’s a must-listen for fans of prog, stoner, and psych rock, offering a transformative musical experience that leaves a memorable impression. One of my favs this year! It is time to restart your mind!

Thanks to Grand Sounds PR.