Jötnar interview

How did Jötnar start, and what inspired your focus on Scandinavian folklore?

Hi and thanks for having us for the interview.

Jötnar started as a studio project in 2021 and consisted of two members - M and PrkL working with various session musicians. We used a bit over a year to try to recruit a guitarist who would become our third member, however after a couple of failed attempts in cooperation with guitarists, we decided that it's totally possible to be a music project consisting of just two members.

Focus on Scandinavian folklore, specifically on the Norse mythology, was decided in the very beginning of the band's existence, possibly even before Jötnar started as a band. M wrote acoustic songs about the Viking times and the Norse gods long before she met PrkL.

How do Norway’s landscapes shape the sound of your music?

It is the place itself that inspires the sound and shape of Jötnar's musical process. We happen to live in the northwest of Norway, in a small peaceful area where the very first Viking Thing (assembly) used to be. It is like almost everything in this place that keeps memory of the past. There are fjords, mountains and forests that surround us. It would therefore be hard not to be influenced by the spirit of the past when you live here. It's simply right here and it envelopes the present moment.

What aspects of Viking culture do you prioritize in your songs, and why?

There are no specific aspects of the Viking culture that we prioritize in our songs, on the contrary we strive to be as little specific as possible in order to give the listener an opportunity to form their own unique picture of the Viking culture when listening to our songs. Meaning the same composition can be interpreted by one person as a storytelling based on the Norse sagas, and by another person as an expression of the songwriter's feelings irrelevant to the time and space.

Can you take us through the creation of ‘Eternal Path’?

We began creating our debut EP consisting of three songs at first. All three: Eternal Path, Time for Asgard and Warrior Song are full format metal songs with folk instrument infusions. There was another song that M wrote during the work process on the EP (Allfather), which is acoustic and includes folk instruments for the most part. We were quite hesitant at first if it would be a good idea to include it as the fourth song of the EP due to its significantly different style. However we decided to give it a go simply because it was created alongside the other three songs. Another reason was that the listener could experience more of a live jam performance while listening to it. The main theme for all of the songs on the EP is the never-ending journey of a human from the Norse perspective. We have also made an official music video for the Eternal Path song newly, which was released about a week ago and is available on YouTube.

How do you approach storytelling in your music, especially drawing from Norse mythology?

Reading Norse sagas can be compared to reading any other holy scripture, meaning their interpretation is as unique as every human being is. Storytelling therefore in our music comes from our unique interpretation of the stories, legends and beliefs of the past.

Are there specific symbols or motifs that are central to Jötnar’s identity?

Well, everything Norse is pretty much central to Jötnar's identity.

How do you research and incorporate Norse mythology into your songs?

The research is mostly reading of the sagas and direct contact with the local historic Viking communities. In addition the place itself as if whispers clues and ideas for the songs.

Balancing ancient themes with modern music can be tricky. How do you manage this in your compositions?

We haven't experienced it as being tricky at all. Everything sort of goes quite smoothly. On the contrary, we are very open to experimenting with "modern music" standards and ideas.

How do you and PrkL collaborate creatively during the writing and recording process?

M comes up with the main motifs for the songs, whilst PrkL aims to give them a better structure. We exchange ideas in the process and cooperate smoothly for the creation of the best versions of our songs. M would normally send sketches to PrkL for listening and help developing them further. As we share the same goal - deliver the music we ourselves love to the listener.

What emotions or thoughts do you aim to evoke in your audience through your music?

We aim to evoke unique emotions and thoughts within the listener. It is up to each and every one to develop and experience their own unique thoughts and feelings.

How does Jötnar contribute to preserving and interpreting Scandinavian folklore through your music?

We believe that some listeners would be more motivated to get copies of the Norse sagas at a library or bookstores. By reading them Scandinavian folklore would be undoubtedly experienced by more people.

What are your goals for Jötnar’s future? Any themes or stories you’re excited to explore?

At the moment we are working on the first album. However a single with two songs will come out first. Then work on the album will follow. There will be even deeper diving into the stories of the past on the album.

How do your personal beliefs or experiences shape the music of Jötnar?

It is mostly M's personal belief system that shapes the music of Jötnar. It flows through more as a reflection of her personal inner world with the help of musical means.

Now that ‘Eternal Path’ is released, what does this EP mean to you and the band? And what's next?

The release of the Jötnar debut EP means a good starting and restarting point for us as musicians. The EP is available in a very limited edition of 100 CDs as well as for streaming and downloading on all the digital platforms.

As mentioned before, we are working on our first album. When the album is done and released, we will look into the live shows opportunities. That's the plan for the current moment.