ORIGOD interview

Hi! Can you tell me about ORIGOD? Why did you choose that name for the band? What kind of ideas does the band explore?

ORIGOD is the fusion of two words; one Latin: "ORIGOD" and the other English: "GOD."

The meaning can therefore be attributed to the origin of a deity or origin of a God, also being Italian we are of Latin origin but sing in English.

As a group we declare ourselves: pacifist, apolitical and areligious, we believe in freedom of speech and expression.

The album "Impression" was released on May 31st. How does that make you feel? Do you feel that you have put the album out to the masses without any desire to change anything now?

We're happy with the result of the recording and release of our new album "IMPRESSION."

As always, we could think about how we could have recorded or changed some parts, but what matters most, especially in our genre and to make those who listen and will listen to the songs feel a certain spirit of spontaneity.

Some parts that we recorded we could have edited in the recording stage but we preferred to leave the more spontaneous version to the listener, we sincerely hope that this will be appreciated.

Can you tell me more about "Impression"? What were the ideas behind the album?

"Impression," this is the title of our new project, is an introspective, personal journey between past, present and future. The sound choices that enrich the sometimes swirling textures of the tracks, sometimes deliberately focused on almost primitive rhythms, unconsciously reflect the band's desire to write a new history, perhaps a new rebirth. From a symbolic track etched on a clay to the vibrant and aggressive pulse dictated by a tormented sound/vocal need. 

The lyrics are meant to narrate "the human journey" that, through its continuous "falls," continually tries to cling to "an impression" of existence. The album is not meant to be a static image of a permanent recording process of light/matter/sound interactions. "Impression" is meant to be an evolutionary process of the band, an attempt at sonic immersion for those who like to learn through "discovery" thanks mainly to the use of the resources of their own mind.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

Origod takes inspiration for the most part from 90s alternative rock, metal and hardcore bands.

It's the music we still love today and have always enjoyed playing; Snapcase, Propagandhi, Cave In, At the drive in, Faith no more, Alice in chains, Mastodon, Strung Out and others.

How would you best define ORIGOD's sound?

A fusion of alternative rock/metal music as indicated above.

Are you on hiatus now, just relaxing and looking for album feedback, or have you started composing new material immediately?

We're currently preparing and updating our set list for upcoming live shows from September/October onwards, we'll also work on writing new songs right away.

Who are your main musical influences? How much of an impact have they had on your sound?

Origod consists of 5 members to date. For us it is crucial to gather the best cues from all the members in writing new songs, to work as best we can with our personalities and creativity.

Our goal has always been not to make songs too similar with each other, regardless of the various genre labels, freedom of expression so as we said before.

Is there a particular well-known musician that you would like to collaborate with on one of your upcoming albums?

We're not excluding some collaborations or featuring with some members or bands of our friends, we will see!

What is your personal strategy for getting your music heard by a larger audience?

At the moment we thank ourselves and Gero of Argonauta Rec. for supporting us in the promotion of the album and the first two singles, for the rest we try to move alas also the on social as we can, we would like however to concentrate as much as possible with live shows to promote our music as best we can.

We also believe a lot in video clips, another passion of ours, new news about that soon. STAY TUNED!

Do you have any hobbies besides music?

No specific hobbies, apart from work and our families, there is music.

Are you all supported by your families in your dedication to music?

Yes our families are our first fans and we take this opportunity to thank them again, it was not easy to manage all the commitments and deadlines we had set for this new album.

Thank you for answering my questions. See you on the road!

Thank you very much to you for the space you have dedicated to us! So we hope to see you soon maybe live!!!