Schreigarm interview

Hi Schreigarm, congratulations on the release of The Mysteries of Fate! You must be excited.

Styrr: "Hello! First of all, thank you for inviting us to the interview. We are very excited to present our creation to everyone!"

Ingvarr: “Hi, It is a pleasure to be invited.”

Firstly, can you tell us about the formation of the band? When and how was it formed? Do you believe the band name 'Schreigarm' perfectly describes your music and philosophy?

Ingvarr: "Everything started with an acquaintance in Germany in 2019 between Styrr and Me through a mutual friend in Ukraine. But quite quickly it turned out that we wanted to do something unique that we haven't done before. In Ukraine we had our own bands in quite different styles, and still, our musical tastes were very diverse. And it's cool that we managed to do something that everyone likes."

Styrr: "Schreigarm literally means the scream(from German) of Garm. The howl of Garm is one of the signs of the beginning of Ragnarök.  In other words - harbinger of the Apocalypse! We believe it's a very powerful name for the band."

Now, can you tell us about The Mysteries of Fate and the lyrical themes behind each track? What are the ideas you wanted to convey?

Ingvarr: “There is a lot of what we can say about it but shortly: “The Mysteries Of Fate” is a conceptual metal saga about the thorny path of a warrior in pre-christian times, from birth and formation, through the bitterness of farewells and first bloody battles, to death and rebirth…”

Styrr: ”Yes, we were committed to a concept album from the very beginning.  And looking ahead, I can say that the next album we are currently working on will also be conceptual, but with a different darker atmosphere and content.”

Where and when did you record The Mysteries of Fate? Are you satisfied with the final product?

Ingvarr: “We are really pleased with the results, and the main key to this success is the creation of demo versions and preproduction material. This process allows us to refine and add any missing elements to the sound picture before the final mix. Everything, except drums, was recorded at Infernum Records in Langenfeld, Germany, by ourselves. The mixing and mastering were expertly handled by Anton Vorozhtsov in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.”

Styrr: “By the way, drums recorded at Black Dwell Records (Zdolbuniv, Ukraine) in 2022 y. by our friend - Lycane. I think he did a fantastic job. And yes, we are completely happy with our recording. The album sounds exactly how it should be, how we imagined it even at the stage of writing the material.”

Do you have any plans to release official band merchandise?

Styrr: "Yes, we have plans for merch releases. We are in negotiations with many labels regarding this matter. And we are always open to any suggestions."

Ingvar: "With such an album cover and such a logo, it would be a sin not to make merch! 🙂"

What are Schreigarm's musical and non-musical influences?

Ingvarr: "Well, musical influences could be listed extensively, but the main ones are probably: Khors, Drudkh, Austere, Harakiri For the Sky, Alcest, Ellende, Insomnium and many other bands, ranging from classic rock to various kinds of metal.”

Styrr: "As for non-musical influences, it primarily includes nature, literature, esoteric pursuits and occult practices…”

Could you please share your personal views on religion and god?

Styrr: "We are pagans. We honor our ancestors and live by the laws of honor. All religions are foreign to us! Any religion is a framework that confines the herd.”

Ingvarr: “Paganism for us is not a religion but a worldview."

Can we expect to see some gigs across the USA or Europe in the near future?

Ingvarr: “This is actually the first point on our list. We will do everything to make it happen. We will start from Europe for sure. We are really geared up to give many concerts, as it is only through live performances that one can fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of our music.”

Lastly, when can fans expect something new from you? A music video, single, or documentary perhaps?

Styrr: "At the moment, we started working on our second album, recording demos. Documentary materials from the recording sessions will soon be available on our YouTube channel and social media. Additionally, we plan to release all the songs from the album “The Mysteries of Fate” on our YouTube channel and social media soon, each with individual visualizations for every track! So don't miss out!"

Thank you for the interview. Is there anything you would like to say to your fans, supporters, critics, and our readers before we wrap up?

Styrr: “Thanks again for the invitation! Listen to Shreigarm! Stay Metal! Stay True!”

Ingvarr: “Thank you for the great questions and the interview! I encourage you to go to metal concerts and festivals – it's definitely worth it. Hope to see you there!”