Guess why I'm obsessed by SUD American metal bands? Just because almost all of them do not change their musical tastes often like many of our European bands do. Just like with Abhorrent, the band from Chile that started to play thrash-death metal back in 1989 and in spite of changes on metal scene they continue to play the music they started with, witho no experiments ala "core, djent, progressive and so on".
Katabasis is a 3rd full-length album from Abhorrent (a bit sad because the band have released just 3 albums during 31 year, I do understand these delays could be caused by some issues but still, a bit sad, because Abhorrent plays truly kick ass brutal thrash metal in old-school way).
The album contains 8 heavy tracks, as saud before - of brutal thrash metal; wanna know why I used to add "brutal"? Because Abhorrent plays not standard way of thrash metal but thrash metal covered by death metal ideas but I still can't say it's typical thrash-death though.
Each song is very complex, with a straight-forward rhythms-section, massive bass-guitar and drumming, covered by angry, full of hatred and sometimes despair vocals. Songs structure built with intelligent tempo-changes and thresholds, with both fast rhythms and slowdowns. Such way of unholy thrash metal from the past.
Band's topics are anti-christianity and violence but I think there also meant the violence of christianity, haha!
The line-up is almost original, except of drummer Freddy Ayala who have joined the band in 2018 and that's just awesome three guys still in band since 1987 and 1990, much respect!
At this point, I dare to recommend Kathabasis to all the fans who have old-school "blood" in their veins and for those who worshipping devilish metal of thrash!
Listen, buy, support! -